About Us
As professional writers, our work has appeared in newspapers across the country and on behalf of people and businesses in nonprofit, Fortune 500 and other sectors.
When it comes to telling the stories of good people and celebrating their unique and wonderful qualities, we are very good at what we do.
So it's no surprise that over the years family, friends, church members and neighbors have turned to us during their deepest sorrows and greatest milestones for help writing legacy tributes.
Through The Last Word, we are honored to share our talents and expertise with the public, and to help tell the stories of your loved ones for all the world to read.

Co-Founder & Senior Writer
Jennifer K. Bridgman

An award-winning writer and content developer, Jennifer K. Bridgman has told the stories of extraordinary people, organizations and causes over her 20+ year career.
Co-Founder & Administrator
Brian T. Hoffman

A former police officer working accident response, Brian T. Hoffman has walked with families in their darkest hours, including within his own family after the loss of his mother and brother in a tragic car accident. Today he brings this very compassion and heart for people to others in grief through his role overseeing our team's operations.
Senior Writer
Callie Davis

Callie Davis is an experienced writer and communicator, having served for 15+ years as communications director for one of the nation's largest associations.
Jennifer Hogland

Formerly a copy writer and magazine editor, Jennifer Hogeland works behind the scenes as our coordinator.